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 setftime()              Set File Date and Time

 #include   <io.h>

 int           setftime(handle,ftimep);
 int           handle;                   Handle associated with file
 struct ftime  *ftimep;                  Pointer to structure

    setftime() sets the time and date of a disk file specified by
    'handle' to the time and date in the 'ftime' structure, defined as
    followed, which is pointed to by 'ftimep'.

          struct ftime  {
               unsigned ft_tsec: 5;          /* Two-second intervals */
               unsigned ft_min: 6;           /* Minutes */
               unsigned ft_hour: 5;          /* Hours */
               unsigned ft_day: 5;           /* Days */
               unsigned ft_month: 4;         /* Months */
               unsigned ft_year: 7;          /* Year minus 1980 */

       Returns:     0, if successful.  On error, -1 is returned and
                    'errno' (defined in <errno.h>) is set to one of the

                    EINVFNC        Invalid function number
                    EBADF          Bad file number

See Also: getftime()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson